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Special OPs Team Development

This course is for new Tactical Teams that are being put together or for new Operators on a team, individual Officers that are trying to get on a Tactical Team and for Teams or individual that need to refresh and or to keep skills up. The special operations team is a critical asset to most agencies, as more and more threats develop beyond the control of the average officer. Deployment and effective use of the team is dependent on how the team moves and functions during a call out. This course is designed to allow the teams to best utilize its available resources to accomplish its mission and to be used to its fullest potential.

This course can be done in a week. If you choose to opt for the Special Ammunitions Certification in which you may also want to expand to Bus Assault, the course can be completed in two weeks.


Each Participants must have hand gun and SMG training to attend team weapon training.

Course Outline

  • Purpose and development of a Special Operations Team
  • Equipment needed
  • Weapons skills
  • Formations and team deployment
  • Team movement techniques, open areas and indoors
  • Scouting and tactical planning
  • Special problems, stairways, rooms, roofs, windows, approaches to entry points
  • Types of entries
  • Types of searches
  • Hostage and down officer rescues
  • Shield work
  • Throw phone
  • Bus and vehicle assault
  • Weapons and ammunition to fit the mission
  • Certification on special ammunition ie; distraction devices, tear gas, pepper spray, less lethal weapons

Detailed Course Description:

Confidential information will be sent to attendee

Required Equipment:

Confidential information will be sent to attendee

Course Duration: Upon request

Participant Fee: Upon request

Course Date: Scheduled upon demand


Certificate Course

This course is restricted to Military or Law Enforcement personnel

Tactical innovations Canada

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