Advanced Close Quarter Battle Course

This course has been designed to introduce the student to Advanced Close Quarter Battle (CQB) training techniques as taught to elite British military units. All drills taught are taken from actual operational experience and require a high degree of concentration and high level of competence with firearms.
Course Outline
Day 1
- Safety Brief
- Power point presentation – CQB Course
- 1 man CQB isolation
- 4 rotations
- 20 minutes per rotation (subject to change)
- 4 CQB stations plus one rest station (subject to change)
- Proper security on door
- Proper step center
- Collapse Sector of fire
- Move to POD (Position of Domination)
- 2 man CQB isolation
- 4 rotations
- 25 minutes per rotation (subject to change)
- 3 CQB stations plus one rest station (subject to change)
- Stack as the number two man
- Clear opposite of the number 1 man
- Collapse Sector of fire
- Move to POD
- 4 man CQB single room
- Two rotations
- 25 minutes per rotations (subject to change)
- Three stations with one rest station (subject to change)
- Stacking prior to enter room
- Clear opposite of the assaulter in front of you
- Collapse Sector of fire
- Move to POD
- Priorities of work
- End of day After Action Review
Day 2
- Warm up/day 1 review
- Shot call
- Split stacking
- Diminishing returns
- Hallways
- Opposing threat
- Intersections
- Stairwell, Stairway, Multi cell w/linkup
- Casualty Collection Points
- Tactical withdraw under fire from buildings/structures
- Contingency planning
- End of day After Action Review
- Shotgun breaching
- Deliberate Dry, Deliberate Live, Interior Live, Quickie Saw
- Urban movement techniques
- Traveling over watch (“the bump”)
- Moving with PUCs (Person Under Control)
- Moving with a casualty
- Corridors
- Small unit tactics/Rural tactical patrol
Detailed Course Description:
Confidential information will be sent to attendee
Required Equipment:
Confidential information will be sent to attendee
Course Duration: 2 Day
Participant Fee: Upon request
Course Date: Scheduled upon demand
Certificate Course
This course is restricted to Military or Law Enforcement personnel
Contact Sean Mcmillan (403.923.2933)
Director of military and law enforcement affairs for Tactical innovations Canada
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